Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wordless Wednesday~The Future

I walked into the room to find Ryan watching President Obama and The First Lady yesterday. I found it extremely heartwarming!

Check out other Wordless Wednesday photos at 5 Minutes for Mom.


MOMMY-MOMO said...

that is SO awesome!!! Teach them young!

Ali said...

I think I told my 6 yr old Obama's name 5 times yesterday--he kept saying, "Who? What is it?" It's kind of hard for the youngun's to pronounce!

SunnyD said...

What a cool shot. I'm not sure how I feel about the new Prez yet but it's so funny how this has been such a huge inaguration. VERY historical and this super cool photo will be a neat story someday for future generations.

Taryn said...

was he saying..."ohh so that's what the devil looks like mama!" :) kiddin' Devil is probably too strong of word...maybe communist, or future terroist is better. Noo...too strong still..I got it.....


sorry can't help myself :) I am just assuming your little guy is super smart!

Amy said...

WOW Ms Dedre~ You don't have an opinion about our President do you!?!?!!?!?

JoJo said...

You have the blog to beat all blogs!! Mine is just a boring classroom site...yours rocks the Casbah!!
Your pics and notes are priceless!!